
保护主义者, a teardown can mean a vintage home that exemplifies the character of a neighborhood will be knocked down to make way for a behemoth of a house. 但也有这样的情况, 正如这里所描述的, w在这里 a building is so damaged or obsolete that the cost of gutting it versus the expense of building new makes the decision obvious. 然而, 拆除不一定是全部的, 作为原住宅的一部分, such as the foundation or anot她的 part of the structure, 能成为新设计的一部分吗.

Here is a tale of a home that was originally intended for significant remodeling but ultimately was demolished. This Wyoming house on the west side of the Jackson Hole valley was completely uninhabitable due to mold, 啮齿动物侵扰, 还有一个濒临崩溃的地基.



The Mountain House Ted and Joanne Wong in她的ited was a mountain retreat from Ted’s uncle Ling Tung, who was the music director of what became the thriving 大提顿音乐节. The original owner before Tung was a handyman who built the house piecemeal during the 1970s. The building was a log cabin hodgepodge with a dozen elevations, 伞形屋顶, and decks adjacent to and on top of an octagonal room that served as a bedroom. The ceilings were very low—so low that the octagon offered a view of the Tetons only if visitors taller than 6 feet bent under the beams to look out the 风ows. Even the gravel carport below one of the decks offered barely enough clearance for a minivan.

“It was a crazy hobbit of a house, but it was cool,” said Chris Moulder. “It harks back to how the valley was back then when people would carve living space into every nook and cranny of the valley to have somew在这里 to hole up for the winter and ski.”



The Wongs wanted to keep the house as an homage to their maestro uncle. The initial plan was to add to it and make the height of the rooms code compliant. But the demolition phase unveiled a cascade of problems. When builder Pete Welker of Mountain Home Builders, 开始拆解, his crew discovered nests and carcasses of squirrels and ot她的 woodland creatures that lived and died within the walls. 晚些时候, the crew removed a wood-framed wall built in front of a foundation wall that abutted the hillside. They unveiled an unreinforced concrete block wall that was bulging, 缺乏砂浆, 在失败的边缘.

Eit她的 the handyman owner or a remodeler tried to “fix” the problem by scribing studs against the bulging CMU wall and attaching joist hangers to the studs so they wouldn’t kick out from the bottom plate due to the lateral pressure of the hillside. The main building was literally draped over that wall; it and anot她的 lateral shear wall were the only supports holding up the house. Given that the valley is in the same seismic zone as Los Angeles County, in addition to weat她的ing 风 gusts and at least four feet of annual snowfall, “the fact that the house was still standing is amazing,莫尔德说。. The building was jacked up for about eight weeks while crews worked to excavate the foundation, which was a combination of blocks and hand-mixed concrete. 但在最初的两个星期里,雨一直在下, and the temporary support cribbage started to sink. “这真是令人毛骨悚然,”威尔克说. “我们调整了基板, 把房子加固, and started to rip out the foundation with this ominous house just kind of sitting t在这里 in the air.”

Log house “sitting up in the air” and damage found

The house “sitting up in the air” and damage found on the structure.

黑霉是下一个发现, forcing the job to shut down for about three weeks until lab results confirmed the toxic presence of penicillium. 霉菌的缓解又需要三周时间. As demolition proceeded to the kitchen, the crew found 8 feet of ceiling that sloped about 3 inches. At that stage the problems piled up to a point w在这里 Welker and Moulder called for a meeting with the owners. Wong, an engineer, accepted the reality that new construction was the more viable and healthy option.

房子被拆除了, except for the octagon and a portion of a concrete slab in the basement. 以此为基础, Moulder designed a new house that used the existing logs and timbers from the octagon room. “The art with remodels or additions is that a portion of the house cannot look like it was an add-on. I think t在这里’s an art to finding that balance and design and craftsmanship to let the project flow nicely and make it feel like it’s all meant to be.威尔克评论道.

Building new rat她的 than remodeling resolved any issues with updating plumbing and electrical, 保持墙壁和天花板水平和真实, 并使房子包括一个两车位的车库. A new concrete foundation was built and structural steel and more hold-downs added because the seismic, 风, 山坡上的积雪非常大. “这是一个非常有趣的项目, 我被扔了太多东西, and it was really just shooting from the hip as we went,威尔克说. “Then the new building went up and came toget她的 so nicely.”

王家现在是一个安全而现代化的家, and its owners are happy that the new design and construction include portions of the old home, 正如他们所希望的那样.

你可以看到完工房屋的图片 在这里.


During the rebuilding phase, and the finished home.

Adapted article from Custom Builder magazine, which you can view 她的e.




The future Jackson Hole Fire/EMS Station 1 Expansion